Archive: Standard
API implementation for from Broker.Net []

Sorry, this entry is only available in Romanian. – Online Store Implementation

Project Name: Implementing Online Store Client: Description: Implementation of the shop involved besides a custom design (which was made & implemented by PixelMotion) the ability to manage inventory, orders, users, products, offering discounts per product or per order, implement the possibility to subscribe to newsletter. This is an online store for Tyre / Car – Online Store Implementation

Project Name: Implementing Online Store Client: Description: Implementation of the shop involved besides a custom design (which was made & implemented by PixelMotion) the ability to manage inventory, orders, users, products, offering discounts per product or per order, integration with social networks (in this case Facebook). This is an online store for Tyre /
DetailsIntelligent Robots – iR 2013 – Implementare WebSite

Project Name: Website Implementation for iR 2013 – International Workshop on Intelligent Robots. Description: This involved the implementation of website design and implementing its being made only the front end, no part of administration. If you want a nice project like please use the form available on the “About / Contact” or leave a comment
Details‘Evidenta Intrari’ – Creare WebSite

Evidenţă Intrări este un WebSite creat pentru evidenţa intrărilor şi generarea de rapoarte pentru SC Azvimac Construcţie SRL în cadrul proiectului Construcţia infrastructurii rutiere şi feroviare de acces la podul peste Dunăre de la Calafat – Vidin, fiind folosit intern. Acest WebSite a fost creat în perioada în care am lucrat în cadrul acestui proiect.